Monday, May 18, 2009

Bank Holiday Weekend (12 of 31)

One of the terms I couldn't help wondering about our life in UK is "Its Bank Holiday Weekend".While world over, every country has bank holidays it is not necessarily that defines the weekend/holiday. The usage made me rise eyebrows the role banks play in London/UK....There are several countries I know of it could be a Bank Holiday but others will work as usual like schools .....its something I experience for the first time...that all holidays in the country are defined by what banks do???

Anyways I googled and found some interesting information:
This website defines the statutes under which these holidays are declared.

I also learned the British bank holidays are Public Holidays and have been recognized since 1871. The name Bank Holiday comes from the time when banks were shut and so no trading could take place. Not sure if that explanation holds true trading is not dependant on the banks working alone...

If you live in a country and have a similar practice as UK does it would be interesting to know..
Its the first time I came across a"Spring Bank Holiday" or a "Summer Bank Holiday"...I am used to having holidays for National days/religious festivals /or on birthdays of founders of the land and even harvest festival holidays!...not a holiday for advent of every season! It made me wonder why not have a holdiday advent of every month..

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