Sorry this is rather a dry topic...
But half of my last week went running around getting things done for the car.
I am not a vehicle person.
Given a choice I am happy not driving one...and my knowledge is zero how a car operates and I am not interested!
Well but here in UK I happened to be the driver and my luck is such that whenever something needs to be done, the better half is away on a business trip...
So even though I am completely ignorant I have to get things going.
We have used the car for a year so we had to get an MOT done.
Any one who owns /drives a car will tell you ...yes get an MOT done?
I wonder and quite sure that 90% of them dont know what that abbreviation stands for!
I just found out that it stands for Ministry of Transportation test- a licencing authority that checks if you vehicle is eligible and fit to drive on UK Roads!
I got mine done after a it woke up the accountant in me...How much does it cost to keep a car in UK...
So here is my rough and ready calculation...
Trust this will help someone some time!
Car - Depreciation £1,200.00 ( well this is 20% depreciation - I am assuming you will at the worst case use the car for five years!)
Insurance £1,000.00 (This has lots of stories around it...bottom line is it costs about one grand per you stay longer and is accident free and claim free it is said to reduce!)
Car Tax £115.00
MOT £54.00
MOT - Related £400.00(MOT - they will fail you if lots of things are not met!...and thats how I think these centres make their living!)
Petrol £1,200.00(Thats what I think we spend on an average for about 10000 miles)
Thats a total of 3969 pounds a year!
Per month £330
Per Day £11
Cost Per mile £0.4 (Thats Rs.30 per mile in your car!)
I hope this is useful to some one some day!
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