Saturday, April 18, 2009

London Living

Finally after a 4 months break I finally got back to blogging....

As every one knows we now live in London where we are "still" in the process of setting up our 7th Home in the 4th country!

The girls are back to school and we still have a long way to make our new place into a warm and cosy home in the "often depressing weather " of London.

Our first trip to visit and drive on the Motorways of United Kingdom...we went to Stone Henge...Its a 2 hour drive from where we live!

Before you ask me what is "Stone Henge",
check out the link......

It was a good drive and a break for the girls....although no one kind of guessed what we would end up seeing....

I was hoping the area by itself would be very vast....

Here are a few photos!


  1. Oh Vinoo...welcome to our fair shores.I must say you all look slightly undewhealmed in the photos...I know that many people assume the Henge to be huge, but it's not.I think it would have been better had the sun shone for you.But either got to see a little of the open countryside.

    PS...lovely to have spoken to you the other day too!

  2. Thanks Niall for being my first follower!

    Looking forward to meeting you soon!


I thank you for reading and leaving a note!