Thursday, November 12, 2009

Seven Secrets of

It’s a privilege to be tagged (it’s the third time) and awarded (first time ever) by a famous blogger and author so I couldn’t refuse attempting:-

Seven Things that no one knows about me:

That’s not true but I will state facts that I think most people don’t know about me.

1. I like to help others and will go out of the way….That’s not the thing that no one knows about me but these days I try very hard not to go out of the way to help! And by the way its been very hard… do that as it not my nature….

2. I love to read the letters written by my husband before we got married (about a dozen of them)…I usually end up reading it when he is away for a long business trip and keeps wondering “what a gamble he took?” in deciding to marry me!

3. If you ever wanted to convince yourself not to buy something you badly “wanted” and not needed….give me a call….I will always tell you the worst things first……and I can assure you , you will reevaluate the decision to buy!

4. I am a licensed insurance agent ….don’t run ….I sell only to myself! When I wanted to buy insurance as a savings option I talked to over a dozen agents and figured out how little they knew so I finally did the IRDA licensing course and became one ….but the fact (Point 3)that I can tell you the worst things about every plan and policy almost nobody ever bought ( to tell you the truth I didn’t even try!)

5. I always admired people who can sell things and always wished my children can acquire that skill……

6. I want to make a million dollars in my life time to buy a home of my dreams. It’s my desire to make that money sitting at home and doing options trading. If you are thinking I have some Godfather who will give me the money…no I have USD 300( my capital )at the moment but still believe it’s possible.

7. I graduated (Bachelors Degree) before I was 20 and chose my life partner before I turned 21!

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